Monday, November 1, 2010


Matoaka was born in Jamestown, virginia in 1595. Her father was Chief Powatan. She enjoyed being outside with all of her friends playing games. The elders of the tribe tought her many things about the life around her.

middle years and end

Most people say Matoaka was in love with John Smith. I think they were good friends but didn't get along enough to be 'in love' even if she did save his life. When her father decided to kill John one morning thinking they needed to show the white people that they are strong and want them out of their land, she threw herself over John's head before her father was able to throw his club down on John's head.

Later on that week she said this to John smith "Were you not afriad to come into my fathers country and cause fear in him and all his people but me? And I should call you father? I tell you then i will, you shall call me child, and so I will be forever and ever your countryman."

John later got in a gun powder acident and had to return to england, Matoaka was purswaded he was dead.

When Matoaka married John Rolfe she moved to england she was given the name Rebecka and was converted to christianity. Her and Rolfe had a son named Thomas.

She did get kidnapped by Sir Samuel Argall as a bargain to realease some english soldiers her father had captive. She later got away.

She did reunite with John Smith one day in England.

Then one day she was able to take a trip back home but unfortunatly she died from small pox in 1617 age 31.


Matoaka loved taking care of people. She was good at it to. So she became a Medicine Woman when she moved to England with Rolfe.


In 1610 at the age of 14 she was married to Kocoum. He was a great warrior.

In 1614 at the age of 28 she was married to John Rolfe. He was captin of the virgina comany.

Why did she have so many names?

Matoaka is her true name meaning playful one. The name pocahontas was given as a cover up from the white men. The name Rebecka was a popular England name and Rolfe felt it would be best for her name to fit in.


This picture of pocahontas was taken before she past away.

John Smith

John Smith
This picture was painted after John Smith recovered from his accident.

John Rolfe with Matoaka

John Rolfe with Matoaka
This picture was painted a couple days after they arrived in England.